Atlas for a City-Region


Centered on the northwest of Ireland, this eighteen-month long research project investigates how a cross-border city-region can be shaped in light of the economic, political and social realities of Brexit. The project asked how landscape architecture can be an agent in the shaping of the cross-border region.


Question 1.
Is There a Cross-Border Region in the Northwest?
We assembled fifteen books of evidence that a region exists from various sources. They include shared public transport and the linguistic and religious make-up of the region.

Question 2.
How to Draw the Region on a Map?
Through visualising cross-border mobilities, we looked for ways of representing the region that respect the existing border without drawing new borders.

Question 3.
How Will the Region Develop Over the Next 200 Years or So?
Our engagement with the Northwest through study, observation, conversation, and participation informed the various design proposals by students (each named in the Introduction) which are organised around five key themes.
Part 1-2
Why Is the Bus Always Late?
Part 1-3
Did You Feel That?
Part 1-4
What Happened to the Scotch Boat?
Part 1-5
Can You Smell the Turf?
Part 1-6
It’s a Nice Day, Thank God!
Part 1-7
Do You Have Wellies?
Part 1-8
Why Don’t You Speak the Queen’s English?
Part 1-9
Which Foot Do You Kick With?
Part 1-10
Why Is a Square a Diamond?
Part 1-11
From Where Did You Get Those Unbelievably Soft Linen Fabrics?
Part 1-12
How Many Cows Can a Robot Milk?
Part 1-13
A Landscape “Opulent with Tomorrows!”
Part 1-14
Which Came First, the Field or the Tree?
Part 1-15
You Can Trim the Hawthorn, but Don’t Cut the Whins!
Part 2-1
Breaking Boundaries
Sponsored by Derry City and Strabane District Council.
Co-sponsored by Donegal County Council.

A research initiative in the Critical Landscapes Design Lab, Harvard University Graduate School of Design.